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1.18-Request Network Accounts

Task Establish network access accounts


Coordinate with CNDSP or mission owner network operations to gain network access accounts


  • Identifying account types (End-User, Shared Credentials, Service Account, Application, Guest)
  • Work with mission partner POC to understand support requirements
  • Establishing conditions for group membership
  • Gaining approval for requests to establish network account access
  • Granting access to the system based on:
  • A valid access authorization
  • intended system usage
  • Other attributes as required by the organization or associated missions/business functions

End State

Gain network access accounts

Manual Steps

  • Identify an Account Manager from the Team [Team Leader]
  • Preliminary Site Survey to ensure all applicable network access is requested
  • Appropriate network groups and member roles are applied
  • Additional resource account creation if necessary
  • When in a Department of Defense setting, use referenced DD Form 2875
  • Interface with the customer organization liaison to submit request for desired actions
  • Monitors the use of information system accounts
  • Notify Client Organization of access changes
  • When accounts are no longer required
  • When users are terminated or transferred
  • When individual information system usage or need-to-know changes

Running Script



Service-Member security clearance
Applicable civilian credentials

Other available tools



DD Form 2875.pdf

Revision History