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2.03-DNS Host Name Mapping

Task DNS Host Name Mapping


Given a responder’s computer, a known network topology including IP address ranges, and the proper tools to map network hosts.


  • Team member selects an appropriate tool for conducting host scans of the network
  • Team member configures the tool to do a full or partial (i.e., per subnet) scan of the network and saves the results to a text or comma-separated values (CSV) file

End State

  • A list of all accessible computers within the given IP ranges are listed with their domain name and IP addresses
  • These scripts are meant to be an Out-Of-the-Box (OOB) solution to Cybersecurity Operations
  • All scripts are open source and can be branched/edited as needed

Manual Steps

There are multiple tools available to scan network IP ranges and determine their host names. While a simple ping scan using the built-in Ping tool in Windows will work, the difficulty is that some Operating Systems (OS) block ICMP pings by default. Additionally network administrators may institute a firewall policy to block ICMP across the Enterprise. In those cases a simple ping sweep will not work. In this case, other 3rd-party tools will be more effective, Nmap being one of the most effective.

  • Example Host Discovery scan with Nmap: On a network with working DNS server, this scan will return all live hosts on this network. For network hosts that do not synch with the local DHCP or DNS server this scan may not return the host name.
    nmap -sn  

If the above scan does not return hostnames (poorly configured DNS issues), then the following script can be run to further enumerate Windows hosts and possible return the hostname:

nmap -sU –script nbstsat.nse -p137  

Output should be in the format identified in 'output_format_template.csv' and named [mm/dd/yyyy_hh🇲🇲ss_DNS_HOSTNAME_Mapping_(xx.xx.xx.xx/x)]

Notify mission element lead and intelligence analyst of completion of this Task

Running Script

  • Runs the script as Admin for full capabilities
  • Script execution is menu driven
  • Ensure the script is executable
  • Linux: chmod 755
  • Windows: Right-click script file, Properties/Unblock
  • Execute the script: python
  • Execute the script using Python3.6+: python3
  • Select a menu option
  • Specify the IP address range to be scanned
  • Specify the path and filename for output files


Python 3.6+

Other available tools


NMAP Discovery
NMAP Host Discovery

Revision History