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2.14-Gather AD Structure Information

Task Gather AD Structure Information


Given a suspected compromised network segment(s), access to a system that can gather the structure of the suspected domain.


  • The team member identifies possibly compromised network segment(s).
  • The team member accesses a system that can enumerate the domain
  • The team member utilizes various Powershell cmdlets to enumerate the domain structure and/or users
  • Task 2.14 – Gather AD structure information
  • The resulting enumerated data is compared to a known good AD configuration file to determine any anomalies present in the domain.

End State

The structure of the domain is enumerated based on the specific sub-task accomplished and any anomalies on the domain will be identified.

Manual Steps

  • Get information of the current domain

    PS C:\Users\btadmin\Desktop> $adddomain = Get-ADDomain  
    PS C:\Users\btadmin\Desktop> $adddomain  
    AllowedDNSSuffixes    : {}  
    ChildDomains          : {}  
    ComputersContainer    : CN=Computers,DC=team01,DC=tgt  

  • Get structure of domain

    PS C:\Users\btadmin\Desktop> Get-ADObject -Filter { ObjectClass -eq 'organizationalunit' } -PropertiesCanonicalName | Select-Object -Property CanonicalName
    team01.tgt/Domain Controllers
    team01.tgt/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups
    team01.tgt/Chula Vista

Output should be in the format identified in 'output_format_template.csv' and named [mm/dd/yyyy_hh🇲🇲ss_AD_Structure_(xx.xx.xx.xx/x)]

Notify mission element lead and intelligence analyst of completion of this battle drill

Running Script

  • Download script from 2.14_Gather_AD_Structure_Information

  • Run scripts

    PS C:\Users\btadmin\Desktop> .\2.14_GatherADSTructureInfo.ps1
    [+] Writing Active Directory structure to C:\Users\btadmin\Desktop\CyberSurfers\CyberSurfers_ACL_1593261366.22937.txt...
    [+] Done!

  • The logfile will be saved to CyberSurfers directory for analysis

    PS C:\Users\btadmin\Desktop> cat .\CyberSurfers\CyberSurfers_ACL_1593261366.txt
    [+] Domains infrastructure master: Team01-DC01.team01.tgt
    [+] The Active Directory structure as follows:
    --> OU=Alameda
    ----> OU=Computers
    ----> OU=Groups
    ----> OU=Servers
    ----> OU=Users



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