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2.16-List AD Domain Accounts

Task Identify all AD Domain Accounts


Given a suspected compromised network segment(s), access to a system that can access and view the list of AD accounts as is.


  • The team member accesses the compromised system
  • The team member uses this script to output the AD users to a text file for analysis
  • The resulting scan data is a list of AD users for later analysis

End State

All users of the domain are enumerated and any newly created accounts that may have happen will be identified.

Manual Steps

  • Get the users of the current domain:

    Get-ADUser -Filter *  

  • To get the amount of users in the domain:

    $dcUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter *

  • To list all of the disabled AD accounts:

    Get-ADUser -Filter { Enabled -eq "False" } | Select-Object SamAccountName

  • List of all accounts and attributes:

    dsquery * -limit 0
    "CN=Sochan\, Carlenel,OU=Users,OU=Santa Ana,DC=team01,DC=tgt"
    "CN=Team01-WK4355,OU=Computers,OU=Los Angeles,DC=team01,DC=tgt"

Running Script

When the script is ran, it will enumerate all users of the domain and output them into a file named all_ad_domain_accounts.txt later analysis.

PS .\2.16_ListADDomainAccounts.ps1
[+] Current Domain: team01.tgt
[+] There are 6609 users in team01.tgt
[+] Writing domain users to all_ad_domain_accounts.txt...
[+] Done!



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