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3.01-Export Users from Active Directory

Task Export List of Users from Active Directory


Given domain credentials with the appropriate permissions, and an incident response workstation with necessary tools


  • Team member checks the schema of the Active Directory (AD) structure and determines best grouping for exporting users (i.e., all to one file; by OU; other breakdown)
  • Team member obtains Domain user information that may include the following:
Expiration date badPwdCount Distinguished name
Enabled Given Name LastBadPasswordAttempt
Last Logon Date/Time LockedOut Group membership
Name Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) PasswordExpired
PasswordLastSet PasswordNeverExpires PasswordNotRequired
sAMAccountName Security Identifier (SID) Surname
User Principal Name When Created
  • User data is exported to a CSV file and stored according to team SOP

End State

All Domain User accounts have been exported to a CSV file with information required to allow for detection of malicious activity.


The tool chosen can limit the amount and type of information exported and is an important consideration for this task. In an incident response scenario, information such as creation time/date; account expiration date or when the account password was last set, can all be vital information in tracking user accounts modified for or by malicious processes. unless the Domain Controller is a version that does not support it, PowerShell is the best choice for this task. While not necessary, retrieving all of the user account name properties enables the responder to determine anomalies in the naming of accounts that may indicate those accounts were created by a malicious actor unfamiliar with the domain naming convention or policy. Muli-Valued Properties do not pipe data to 'export-csv' correctly unless a separate hashtable is created (ex:MemberOf). Therefore the following command does not meet the standard set forth in this battle drill:

Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties * | Export-Csv UnSat.csv

Manual Steps

  • Open PowerShell ISE:

    • Press: Windows key + R
    • Type: PowerShell_ISE.exe
    • Press: ENTER
  • Perform a PowerShell Functions-Check (Version, Architecture, Execution-Policy):

    • Version 2.0 or higher required for the scripted portion of this Task
      echo $PSVersionTable
  • Architecture


  • ByPass or Unrestricted required for this Task. Use Set-ExecutionPolicy to alter this setting if necessary


  • Load Active Directory Module (skip step on Windows Server 2012):

    import-module ActiveDirectory

  • {OPTION A – PREFERRED METHOD} Use PowerShell to enumerate user locations by OU:

    • Paste Code into Script Pane:

      $output = Read-Host "'Y' for output to file or any key for output in GUI table view" -foreground Cyan
      $fqdn = Read-Host "Enter FQDN domain"
      $cred = Get-Credential
      Write-Host "Contacting $fqdn domain..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
      $domain = (get-addomain $fqdn -Credential $cred | select
      Write-Host "Completed. Enumerating OUs.." -ForegroundColor Yellow
      $OUlist = @(Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter * -Credential $cred -SearchBase $domain.distinguishedName -SearchScope
      Subtree -Server $domain.DNSroot)
      Write-Host "Completed. Counting users..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
      for($i = 1; $i -le $oulist.Count; $i++)
      {write-progress -Activity "Collecting OUs" -Status "Finding OUs $i" -PercentComplete ($i/$OUlist.count*100)}
      $newlist = @{}
      foreach ($_objectitem in $OUlist) {
      $getUser = Get-ADuser -Filter * -Credential $cred -SearchBase $_objectItem.DistinguishedName -SearchScope OneLevel -
      Server $domain.pdcEmulator | measure | select Count
      for($i = 1; $i -le $getUser.Count; $i++)
      {write-progress -Activity "Counting users" -Status "Finding users $i in $_objectitem" -PercentComplete
      $newlist.add($_objectItem.DistinguishedName, $getUser.Count)
      if ($output -eq "Y") {
      $newlist | ft -AutoSize | Out-File .\UsersByOU.txt
      Write-Host "All done!" -ForegroundColor yellow
      } else {
      $newList | Out-GridView

    • Save script as UsersByOU.PS1

    • Execute Script
  • {OPTION B – NON-PREFERRED METHOD} Use RSAT Tools to enumerate user locations by OU.

    • {Domain Joined Workstation} Open ActiveDirectory Users & Computers:
      • Press: Windows Key + R
      • Type: dsa.msc
      • Press: ENTER
    • {Non-Domain Joined Workstation} Open ActiveDirectory Users & Computers:
      • Click START
      • Type dsa.msc (DO NOT PRESS "ENTER")
      • Hold "SHIFT" and Right-click the resultant dsa.msc program
      • Select Run as Different User
      • Enter Provided Domain Credentials
    • Ensure that the correct domain is displayed in the left column of the snap-in. If not:
      • In the top, left corner of the left column, Click Active Directory Users and Computers
      • Select the Action pull-down menu
      • Select Change Domain
      • Enter the correct domain name
      • Click OK
    • Enumerate user locations:
      • In the left column, click the domain
      • Select the Action pull-down menu
      • Select Find…
      • Click Find Now
      • Select the View pull-down menu
      • Select Choose Columns…
      • Add Published At
      • Click OK
      • Click the header of the Published At column to sort results
      • Make note of each location which contains users
  • Enumerate Users:

    • Dump all users into the same file:

      Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties * | select ObjectGUID, whenCreated, AccountExpirationDate, lastLogonTimestamp, @{name=MemberOf;expression={$_.memberof -join ;}}, PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordNotRequired, LastBadPasswordAttempt, badPwdCount, LockedOut |Export-Csv PrivateSnuffysScript.csv

    • Dump users from a specific OU into a file {‘searchbase’ property must be tailored to environment}:

      Get-ADUser -SearchBase OU=Users,DC=Army,DC=Mil -filter * -Properties * | select ObjectGUID, whenCreated, AccountExpirationDate, lastLogonTimestamp, @{name=MemberOf;expression={$_.memberof -join ;}} ,PasswordExpired, PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires, PasswordNotRequired, LastBadPasswordAttempt, badPwdCount, LockedOut |Export-Csv ChiefSnuffysScript.csv

Running Script


Other available tools


How Security Identifiers Work
List of PowerShell Scripts that will accomplish the tasks

Revision History