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3.09-Disable Domain Administrator Password

Task Protect Domain Administrator Account


Given a target Domain, a Domain Controller (DC), a user account with appropriate rights and privileges to modify user accounts, and a workstation with the Windows Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) installed


End State

Target domain Administrator account has been renamed and alternate dummy account named “Administrator” with no rights or privileges has been created


Mission Element lead ought to request this capability of the business owner in order to secure accounts and organizational units

The specific DCO-E MET that drives this task requires the domain Administrator account to be disabled; however, Microsoft recommends the steps as provided in this task. Disabling the Domain Administrator account can cause issues across a range of services and assets. While this task does not totally protect against specific attack vectors, it is part of the Center for Information Security (CIS) Benchmarks and Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) requirements for Microsoft Operating Systems. These tasks can also be accomplished using PowerShell scripts using the PowerShell AD Cmdlets.

Manual Steps

Useful commands:
* Windows
* Open Active Directory Users and Computers(GUI):


* Rename local administrator account:  
    wmic useraccount where name='Administrator' call rename name='NewAdminName'

* Create account named Administrator, but with no permissions, and only after default Administrator accounts is renamed(Warning if done wrong, could result in lockout):  
    net user Administrator C0mplex_P@ssword /ADD /PASSWORDCHG:NO

* Disable Administrator account:  
    Net user Administrator /active:no

* Remove Administrator account description(beta):  
    Set-ADUser Administrator -Description ""
    Set-ADUser -Identity Administrator -City "" -Clear "" -Company "" -Country "" -Department "" -Description "" -DisplayName "" -Division "" -EmailAddress "" -EmployeeID "" -EmployeeNumber "" -Fax "" -GivenName "" -HomeDirectory "" -HomeDrive "" -HomePage "" -HomePhone "" -Initials "" -LogonWorkstations "" -MobilePhone "" -Office "" -OfficePhone "" -Organization "" -OtherName "" -POBox "" -PostalCode "" -ProfilePath "" -SamAccountName "" -ScriptPath “” -State "" -StreetAddress "" -Surname "" -Title "" -UserPrincipalName "" -Partition "" -Server ""

Running Script


Other available tools


CIS Benchmark downloads
Securing AD Administrative Groups and Accounts

Revision History