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4.08-Deploy or Evaluate Host Sensors

Task Deploy or Evaluate Host Sensors (Prepare Security Onion to listen for Wazuh agents on the network)


Given access to a network and the ability to install and configure Security Onion


  • Prepare Security Onion to listen for and recieve sysmon logs through deployed Wazzuh agents
  • Configure Wazzuh agents to forward local sysmon logs on compromised hosts to Security Onion NIDS

End State

Hosts on compromised network utilize wazzuh to forward sysmon and event logs to Security Onion NIDS for parsing in Kibana


Manual Steps

Set Up

  • Security Onion Host (Linux - NIDS): This is the security onion box that we bring to the environment.
  • Windows Workstations: Client hosts at the incident site.

Configure Security Onion to receive logs.

On the Security Onion system, log into the local system. Open two Terminal windows, further referred to as Terminal A and B.


In Terminal A:

sudo so-wazuh-stop

In Terminal B, run the command to bring "ossec-authd" to the foreground:

sudo /var/ossec/bin/ossec-agentd -f 

In Terminal A, start ossec again:

sudo so-wazuh-start 

Install Software on windows hosts

  • The repository comes with all the necessary files for deployment, but it is preferable to download the Wazuh agent from Security Onion system currently deployed for the mission
  • Login into Security Onion, select Downloads from the menu on the left, and download the Wazuh agent for Windows. Ensure the file is unblocked once downloaded

Download Wazuh Agent

  • Modify files:
    Edit /scripts/install-sysmon.bat
    Edit IP address to reflect your Security Onion IP address: /scripts/install-sysmon.bat


Edit ossec.conf
Change IP address to reflect your Security Onion address


  • Running PowerShell script on Windows hosts
  • Run the PowerShell script:


  • Enter domain credentials

  • Enter Install Parameters
    IP Address: The Ip address of the machine that you are running the script from
    Domain Admin Password: Enter Domain Admin Password
    Domain: Domain name

  • Click Run to allow psexec to execute


  • Listing Wazuh agents


  • Security Onion NIDS
  • Privileged access to target network hosts.

Other available tools

  • Ossec in place of Wazzuh


Installing Wazuh

Revision History