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Task Monitor Account Creations


Given a Security Onion Server, a SO adamin account to query account creations, and an incident response workstation


  • Team member queries the Security Onion Server to obtain the following minimum information:
    • Account Name
    • Account Domain
    • Machine the account was created on(If the account was created locally)
    • SID of new account
  • Team member outputs the account creation data to a comma-separate values (CSV) file and compares the entries to existing user accounts.
  • Team member checks information on account used to create new accounts against known IOCs or system owner activities to determine if accounts are legitimate.

End State

All new user or service account creation events are discovered


Security Onion is able to detect local and domain account creations.

Manual Steps

Use the following Security Onion search query

winlog.event_id:"4720" | groupby event.module event.dataset

Alternative Steps: Using windows event log, query for event id 4720.

Running Script


Other available tools

PR.AC-1.7-Monitor_AD_New_Account_Creation will provide information about accounts created on the DC.


EventID 4720

Revision History