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4.15-Monitor DHCP for New Reservations

Task Monitor DHCP Server for New Reservations


Given a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, an administrator-level account, and an incident response workstation


  • Team member determines if audit logging is enabled within the DHCP Management Console
  • Team member enables logging if it is not already enabled.
  • Team member connects to the DHCP server log and determines the presence of creation of new reservations
  • Team member exports applicable Windows events to an external file

End State

All new DHCP reservations are discovered and logged


There are various ways to do this task but from an incident response perspective the best choice (when supported) is a PowerShell script that queries the DHCP event logs for reservation creation event IDs. The applicable log on Server 2008+ is Microsoft-Windows-DHCP Server Events/Operational in c:\windows\system32\winevt\logs. The applicable Event ID is 106. (csv files can be parsed with powershell via the Get-Content Commandlet). Team SOP will drive output formats, file-naming and storage requirements of output files for this and similar tasks. Windows 2012 Server and higher support PowerShell DHCP commands that may also leave log traces in the PowerShell logs.

Manual Steps

Example Commands:

  • Windows

    • Enable DHCP server logging:
      reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DhcpServer\Parameters /v ActivityLogFlag /t REG_DWORD /d 1
  • Default Location Windows 2003/2008/2012:

  • Linux

  • View DHCP lease logs: Ubuntu:

    grep -Ei 'dhcp' /var/log/syslog.1

  • View DHCP logs

    tail -f dhcpd.log

Running Script

  • Example Script
    # Gather dhcp lease information  
    # Change the scope range to your specific scope range  
    netsh dhcp server scope <IP ADDRESS> show clients 1 > C:\Monitor\New_dhcp_list.txt
    # remove top 8 lines  
    $file = cat C:\Monitor\New_dhcp_list.txt | select -skip 8
    #remove bottom 4 lines
    $len = $file.length-4
    $file = $file[0..($len)]
    #loop through each line in the file and grab the relevant columns
    $file | foreach-object{$_.split()[0,4,7,18] -join ' '} > C:\Monitor\New_dhcp_list.txt
    #add white space and title
    echo " " >> .\Domain_Changes_Log.txt
    echo " " >> .\Domain_Changes_Log.txt echo "DHCP Checked" >> .\Domain_Changes_Log.txt
    #add date time stamp
    get-date >> .\Domain_Changes_Log.txt
    #compare known good to new list then add new dhcp leases to the log file
    Compare-Object $(Get-Content .\Known_good_dhcp_list.txt) $(Get-Content .\new_dhcp_list.txt) >> .\Domain_Changes_Log.txt
    if ((Compare-Object $(Get-Content .\Known_good_dhcp_list.txt) $(GetContent .\New_dhcp_list.txt)) -ne $null)
                    [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows. Forms") $oReturn=[]::show("DHCP Client has been added! This change needs to be verified and the master list updated.")


Other available tools


DHCP Diagnostics
DHCP Operational Events
Get-Content Commandlet (usefull parsing csv files)

Revision History