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4.17-Respond to Alerts about unauthorized users

Task Respond to alerts about unauthorized users or unsuccessful logins


  • Proper controls and security practices applied to Active Directory or other directory platform.
  • Effective use of log management and SIEM.
  • Working in concert with Team Leader’s priorities and interactions with mission partner.


  • Ensure Active Directory logs are integrated into log management tool and test SIEM alerting.
  • Responding party should have knowledge of environment and understand the incident response process.
  • Incident response process should detail the escalation criteria, remediation plan, and have the ability to investigate the matter or collect evidence.
  • Abnormal activity should be logged and remediated until it meets the organizations acceptable risk tolerance level.
  • If needed user accounts should be suspended, terminated, or subject to advanced logging if nefarious activity is identified.

End State

User alerts are identified and responded to utilizing the proper incident response procedure.


Manual Steps

  • Login to the SIEM interface, e.g. Kibana
  • Select Dashboard on the left hand side
  • Scroll down the left hand side and select Sysmon under Host Hunting
  • Ensure Active Directory logs are populting


  • Sysmon
  • Wazuh
  • Wazuh configuration file (ossec.conf)
  • Security Onion
  • Elasticsearch


Microsoft Unauthorized User
Microsoft Login Failed

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