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4.19.3-Create Hard Disk Image

Task Create Hard Disk Image


Given a Windows or Linux machine, hard drive acquisition tools, and a network device with one or more indicators of compromise (IOC).


The team member connects to and creates an image from a remote machine using Linux or Windows. (the team member can choose how to create the image from the given tools so long as he/she can provide a log file with a good hash that can be verified against the created image.)

  • Windows

    dc3dd.exe if=\\.\c: of=d:\<ATTACHED OR TARGET DRIVE>\<IMAGE NAME>.dd hash=md5 log=d:\<MOUNTED LOCATION>\<LOG NAME>.log

  • Linux


  • The team member then verifies that a log file with a hash was created by checking the chosen log file directory.

End State

A raw physical image of a remote machine is created and ready for analysis.


Imaging can be done on a live or dead system using a myriad of tools. Software and hardware tools can be used and are chosen based on available equipment and time constraints. The key portion of this task is the creation of a log file with a good hash to allow for integrity checks and chain of custody. Some tools will perform a hash verification check, and when these tools are used, this should be done if time allows.

  • Tools
  • Dc3dd.exe used to create images from linux or windows devices. Dc3dd will create a log and hash if the correct command is given.
  • dd – linux command that will create an image from a physical device. dd will create a log and hash if the correct command is given
  • ftk imager – windows program for imaging devices. Ftk imager is a GUI interface that allows for a myriad of options for evidence file formats including E01, dd, raw, etc.
  • Guymager – Guymager is a linux tool that can be used to create disk images. Guymager is an extremely fast option for imaging and is pre-installed in many linux flavors.

Manual Steps

Running Script


Other available tools


Sourceforge DC3DD
FTX Imager
Guymager forensic image

Revision History