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4.20-Investigate Alerts from Host Sensors

Task Investigate Alerts from Host Sensors


  • Given a network with HIDS agents installed on all relevant hosts.
  • Given a fully installed and properly configured SIEM that displays information reported by HIDS agents.
  • Given accounts for all relevant tools and hosts.
  • Given a notification of a host based sensor alert
  • Given prior approval from network owner to begin host based investigation

Standards- Network Analyst

  • Recognize alert related to host sensor data, if possible, rule out as false positive
  • Analyze other relevant SIEM data gathered from host ie. network connections to other hosts, suspicious traffic, etc.
  • Notify team leader and hand off report to host analyst team
  • Continue monitoring and report additional relevant data as it becomes available

Standards- Host Analyst

  • Determine Operating System, Windows, Linux, MacOS, etc.
  • Log onto system with authorized administrative credentials
  • Utilize native OS tools to confirm alert data, ie. network connections, open ports, active/startup processes, etc. (Windows- 'NetStat' 'TaskManager' 'arp'; Linux- 'ps -aux' 'top' 'htop' 'netstat' 'arp'; MacOS- 'top' 'ps' 'activity monitor' 'network utility')
  • If available, utilize third party tools to discover parent or child processes associated with alert. (Windows- SysInternals, 'ProcMon' 'ProcessExplorer') 'TCPview'; Linux-
  • Determine any potentially compromised account information: (Windows- powershell 'get-localuser, get-aduser'; Linux- 'cat /etc/passwd'; MacOS- 'cat /etc/passwd')
  • Determine source of IOC and any potential lateral movement conducted post compromise using (Windows- EventViewer)
  • Gather sufficient data to send a detailed report of the IOC
  • Send detailed report of IOC via specified channel to team lead or designated person

End State

Host-based alert reporting is actioned and fully investigated


Manual Steps

  • Login to the SIEM interface, e.g. Kibana
  • Defenders should be able to see the reporting status of all hosts with agents. The most obvious and immediate problem a host might report is that it isn't reporting anymore.

Running Script

  • 4.Eradication/4.08_Deploy_or_evaluate_host_sensors/scripts/Sysmon_Wazuh_push.ps1


  • Sysmon
  • Wazuh
  • Wazuh configuration file (ossec.conf)
  • Security Onion
  • Elasticsearch

Other available tools

  • Splunk


Security Onion documentation
Elasticsearch documentation

Revision History